Shmoozing with Guy Dvir

guest אוֹרֵחַ surprise הַפתָעָה my pleasure התענוג שלי were born נולדו whole life חיים שלמים  life back then  החיים אז  childhood  יַלדוּת  early 80s  שנות ה -80 המוקדמות  spent   מוּתַשׁ  active   פָּעִיל compete להתחרות contests.  תחרויות athlete אַתלֵט  what happened  מה קרה afterward  אחר כך Libra מזל מאזניים  Bridge  לְגַשֵׁר  residents  התושבים   obviously  מובן מאליו foremost choice בראש ובראשונה  grew up   גדל  actually  בעצם living the moment  חי את הרגע  history  הִיסטוֹרִיָה  religious   דָתִי secular  חילוני certain  מסוים traditions  מסורות  holidays  חגים strictly following בהחלט בעקבות  observing  התבוננות synagogue בית כנסת  on a regular basis  על בסיס קבוע childhood יַלדוּת  neighborhood.   שְׁכוּנָה.   athletic  אַתלֵטִי   baseball  בייסבול   American football  כדורגל אמריקאי  a long with   ביחד עם  waitress מֶלְצָרִית doggy bag  שקית שאריות  A doggy bag  שקית כלבלב   too proud  גאה מדי Judaism.  יַהֲדוּת. reminded me הזכיר לי  Holocaust film  סרט שואה  excused from class  סליחה מן הכיתה  deep emotions  רגשות עמוקים another incident תקרית נוספת  type of a funny comment  סוג של תגובה מצחיקה  laughing at the Jews  צוחקים על היהודים  going to tears   הולך לדמות  thing that kept me reminded that I was Jewish  דבר שהשאיר אותי מזכיר לי שאני יהודי everything else didn't כל השאר לא appeal.  עִרעוּר.  Olympics  אולימפיאדת  Jewish pride  גאווה יהודית heritage identity זהות מורשת my life.  החיים שלי.  buy my products  לקנות את המוצרים שלי a sudden פתאומי  point  נְקוּדָה research  מחקר

  1. Three, two, one. Hi everybody. How are you? Welcome to level three. Today I have a special guest for you. A special surprise. What's a surpise? I have a surprise for you. All of you guys that learned level two in Machon Gate Do you remember Special rabbi from Raanana. Well today he is here, here he is.
  2. Hey how are you? >> Thanks for having me >> My pleasure. Thanks for coming. Today we are going to ask Guy Dvir a lot of questions. We know a lot about Guy Dvir we know that about ten years ago he lived in Manhattan. He was a rabbi. In Manhattan. Let's ask him questions about his life. please tell us where are you from originally.
  3. >> Well my parents originally lived in Israel. So I was born in Israel. In Raanana. >> Really? You were born in Raanana? And you live in Rananna now, right? >> Yes, I do. >> Okay. Did you live in Raanana your whole life or not? >> Well no. We lived in Raanana till I was about six years old.
  4. Then we move to Kfar Saba, and I lived in Kfar Saba until I was nine years old. >> [SOUND] Well, so in your nine years, you lived two places right, six years in an Raanana you lived, and then three years in Kfar Saba, where is Kfar Saba? Kfar Saba is next Raanana, right? Right? >> Yeah Kfar Saba is located right next to Raanana.
  5. >> And do you remember your life back then in Kfar Saba? >> Yes I do, I had a very, very happy childhood. >> Really? >> Yes. >> Uh-huh. Living in, what years was it back then? Was it in the 70s or in The 80s, when was it? >> Well, we're talking about the early 80s, I was born in 1976.
  6. So, I spent the early 1980s in Kfar Saba. I was a very active child. >> Mm-hm >> Had a lot of friends. >> What do you mean active? What did you do exactly? You did a lot of activities? What's active? >> Well, for example I was a blue belt in judo, and I used to compete in different contests.
  7. >> I see, so you were an athlete? >> Yes, that's right. >> Mm. Okay. And what happened then where did you live afterward when you were nine years old? >> Well, my parents decided to immigrate, to America. >> Immigrate means that? >> To move. >> Move. And you moved to the United States when you were nine? >> Yes.
  8. That's right, we moved. >> Well, exactly myself too. I was born in Israel, and when I was nine years old, I moved to Los Angeles too. >> That's why we are such good friends. >> Yeah. When were you born? What month? >> I was born in the Jewish month of the of Elul the 26th of Elul. And the non Jewish year, September 20th 1976.
  9. >> Okay. So you're a Pisces or you're a Libra, or you're a Bethulah? >> I'm actually a Virgo, Bethulah. >> Bethulah, yeah. That's why I like you so much. I like Virgos. Now, Rabbi if you'd tell us about America. Where did you live exactly, when you moved to the United States. >> Well, we moved to Northern California. It's a city called Mavado. It's north of the Golden Gate Bridge, the famous Golden Gate Bridge. You know gate? >> Yeah, Golden Gate, >> Like Mahon Gate, the picture that appears on the Machon gate, that's the Golden Gate Bridge, the famous bridge. We live just half hour away from that bridge.
  10. >> You said Nevada? >> Nevato. >> Nevato, okay. I never heard of Nevato. I don't know, what's Nevato like? Is it a big city, is it a small city? >> Nevato is a city that has 50,000 residents. >> 50,000 residents, that's a very small town. It's like ra'anana. >> You could say that. What did you like better, Ra'anana or Novato? >> Novato.
  11. >> Novato. Okay. What did you like better? >. Well, there were no Jewish people in Novato so obviously first and foremost choice would be Ra'anana Novato was the place that I feel into. >> Uh-huh. >> But, I grew up there and >> Did you feel you was Ghanian that American. Israelis love America.
  12. You know when somebody came back in the 1970s, they came from L. A, or came from America. Wow, you have new shoes. You have Nike shoes from America. Wow. He's got Addidas. Look at those Adddas shoes. Did you feel like you're an American now. If only my friends in Israel can see me now.
  13. I'm in America now. >> I actually- >> Did you feel that way? >> I actually didn't think of it all this way. I think it took me about a year or two, and I forgot about my past. And I was living a new life. Didn't really look back. Didn't really, think about where I came from. Didn't really spend any time thinking about who I was, just living the moment.
  14. >> Wow. So you forgot about your history. You lived in Raanana. Were you religious or were you not religious? Were you secular? >> My family was a secular family. We had certain traditions like in the holidays, things like that. >> Pesach? >> Maybe yeah, Pesach, but we weren't strictly following, observing- >> Did you do Pesach? Did you have Passover? Did you have Matzot? Did you eat Matzot? >> Yes, we ate Matzot, and maybe for some time we tried Not to eat chametz, but that did not last so long because we lived in a place that did not have a Jewish community, and the closest synagogue to our house was about a 30 minute drive for a Chabad house.
  15. >> So you didn't go to Chabad? >> So we Didn't even go to Chabad. So we went to Chabad for my Bar Mitzvah. >> Mm-hm. You did go to Chabad? You did? >> We went to Chabad for my Bar Mitzvah. But not on a regular basis. >> Uh-huh. >> Because even that was far away. >> So did you like your childhood in America? >> Yeah, when I grew up we had, I had many friends. I had a swimming pool in my neighborhood.
  16. >> Did you have good friends like in Raanana, or? >> I had very good friends. >> Uh-huh. >> I was very athletic, I played a lot of sports. I love baseball. I loved American football. And And everything was going great. >> Mm-hm. So you started to forget about the United to Israel. You started to forget totally about Israel? >> I didn't only forget about Israel, I forgot how to speak Hebrew.
  17. I didn't even know how to speak Hebrew. >> Mm-hm? You're kidding? >>Yeah. >> I spoke Hebrew a long with my parents. We spoke English. >> Yeah. >> We spoke English a lot. It's funny, like my mum. Avi, come here. I want to Avi. She speak like Israeli. We speak English like Americans man. It's very funny. One time I remember we go to a restaurant and my mom We went to a lot of restaurants.
  18. A lot of restaurants. We love food, so we went to restaurant and in America you have a lot of food like stake and we can't eat all the food. So what you do is like take the food home but we tell the waitress waitress could you please give us a bag, but what's the bag called? You remember? >> It's called a doggy bag.
  19. >> A doggy bag. That's very funny. It's funny right? >> Yeah. >> Yeah. Okay what were you talking about, I forgot. >> Well, you were asking me whether I forgot about Israel or not so I answered you that even speaking Hebrew is something I forgot. Forget writing or reading, and to be honest with you, I wasn't really too proud of my Jewish identity. Because I was one of the only Jews around my friends.
  20. >> It's so funny you know. It's exactly like my life. The only thing I I remember about Judaism in my life was that in Hanukkah, right, my mom makes latkes and then I go and I went to her room and I take out the flute [MUSIC] that's all that's all we have in Judaism.
  21. >> Not really. >> Wow. >> Do you have that or do you have more of them? >> I think I even had less, the only thing that reminded me that I was Jewish, was a Holocaust film. I remember one time I was sitting in the classroom and there was something going on in the school because they had to. The teacher showed a Holocaust film, and I was excused from class, and I felt that I had to leave the room, because I had very deep emotions inside which I didn't even know at the time where they came from. And another incident one time happened when I went out with a group of friends, and one of the people made a comment, made some type of a funny comment, like laughing at the Jews or at the Holocaust. And I remember going to tears and I was for some reason that's the only thing that kept me reminded that I was Jewish, everything else didn't really appeal.
  22. >> I remember in my life, I remember the Olympics, as soon as the Olympics came to Los Angeles, and Israels had a team all the Israelis were yeah go Israel, we're Israeli. That was basically my Israeli. My Jewish pride. My Jewish heritage identity. And I feel we have a lot in common, because I remember when I if you don't mind me telling you about my life.
  23. I remember one time I went to Chabad, I was 21 years old. I went there because I wanted business, I wanted money, I wanted people to come to I wanted them to buy my products. I was selling insurance. So I went to Chabad and all of a sudden they took out the Torah and it was [FOREIGN] so they sang song.
  24. [MUSIC] All of a sudden I ran out the door. I ran, I couldn't stay there, because I remember my grandfather. My grandfather Rabbi Mogenstern he wasn't really a Rabbi, he was a Yoseph Shachar in Israel. He was not religious. He used to always sing a song. [MUSIC]. And all over sudden I felt that there was something I don't know about my grandfather. And their is something I don't know about my Judaism. So I also felt very deep and very emotional like you did.
  25. >> Interesting yeah I think we all have something in about inside of us that is our as we say the Jewish point. Point in each one of us and it comes out in different ways. >> I think that if we research and we talk to a lot of Israelis that moved to the United States back then in the 1970's or in the 1980's we would find out a lot of people with the same situation, with the same backround with the same [FOREIGN] How do you say [FOREIGN] in English? >> You say >> The experiences? >> Experiences >> Yeah >> I wanna ask you a question before we talk about You're a [FOREIGN] Now you're a famous Rabbi in Manhattan, and also in Raanana. But before you talk about that, can you please say yes to my question? I would like you to be a teacher in Machon Gate. Can you please be a teacher in Machon Gate ?........ >> Yes.
>> Yeah? Thank you. Really? You got it. >> You guys, surprise. There's a new teacher in Machon Gate >> Come teach me. >> A [FOREIGN] >> To the [FOREIGN] >> To the [FOREIGN], that's right. >>

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