curiosity סַקרָנוּת wonder פֶּלֶא it drives us הוא מניע אותנו exploreלַחקוֹר

we're surrounded by things אנחנו מוקפים דברים journey מַסָע invisible בלתי נראה

expands our horizons מרחיב את האופקים שלנו transforms שינוי צורה perceptionתפיסה

opens our minds פותח את דעתנו detect לגלות לזהו time laps זמן טווח ארוך discoverלְגַלוֹת

broaden our perspective להרחיב את נקודת המבט שלנו organism אורגניז emerge לצוץ

surviveלִשְׂרוֹד sunlight אוֹר שֶׁמֶשׁ motion תְנוּעָה vastעָצוּם restless movement תנודות ללא מְנוּחָה

humanityאֶנוֹשִׁוּת dot נְקוּדה represents מייצג air traffic dataנתוני תנועה אווירי

imagery דימוי constantly תָמִיד network רֶשֶׁת ships ספינות data נתונים economy כַּלְכָּלָה

decadesעשורים entire planetכדור הארץ כולו sustainלִתְמוֹך circulatingמסתובבים cloudsעננים

Earth brought to life כדור הארץ המתעורר לחיים extreme קיצוני high-speed cameras מצלמות מהירות גבוהה

images תמונות vision חָזוֹן ingenious devices התקנים גאוניים perhaps אוּלַי imitate לְחַקוֹת

upside down הפוך tracking markers מעקב סמנים wings כנפיים visualize לַחֲזוֹת

air flow זרימת אוויר lead usתנהיג אותנו giantsענקים electron microscope מיקרוסקופ אלקטרונים

Fire the gun לירות באקדח magnifyלְהַגדִיל as much asהרבה כ butterflyפַּרְפַּר entire livesכל החיים eyelashesריסים crawling over your skinזוחל על העור שלך sharkכרישeggshell קליפת ביצה

fleaפַּרעוֹש snailחלזון tongueלָשׁוֹן kingdom מַלְכוּת tiny זָעִיר species מִין spiderעַכָּבִישׁ silkמשי threadפְּתִיל

steelפְּלָדָה elastic אֵלַסטִי strands of DNA גדילי הדנ"א diseases מחלות arteries עורקים

repair לְתַקֵן threshold סַף extraordinary יוֹצֵא דוֹפֶן advances התקדמות unveil the mysteries of life לחשוף את המסתורין של החיים

TED – Hidden Miracles of the Natural World

A   What is the intersection between technology, art and science, curiosity and wonder …,because it drives us to explore, because we're surrounded by things we can't see. And I love to use film to take us on a journey through portals of time and space, to make the invisible visible, because what that does, it expands our horizons, it transforms our perception, it opens our minds and it touches our heart. So here are some scenes from my 3D IMAX film, "Mysteries of the Unseen World."



B There is movement which is too slow for our eyes to detect, and time lapse makes us discover and broaden our perspective of life. We can see how organisms emerge and grow, how a vine survives by creeping from the forest floor to look at the sunlight. And at the grand scale, time lapse allows us to see our planet in motion. We can view not only the vast sweep of nature, but the restless movement of humanity. Each streaking dot represents a passenger plane, and by turning air traffic data into time-lapse imagery, we can see something that's above us constantly but invisible: the vast network of air travel over the United States. We can do the same thing with ships at sea. We can turn data into a time-lapse view of a global economy in motion. And decades of data give us the view of our entire planet as a single organism sustained by currents circulating throughout the oceans and by clouds swirling through the atmosphere, pulsing with lightning, crowned by the Aurora Borealis. It may be the ultimate time-lapse image: the anatomy of Earth brought to life.


C At the other extreme, there are things that move too fast for our eyes, but we have technology that can look into that world as well. With high-speed cameras, we can do the opposite of time lapse. We can shoot images that are thousands of times faster than our vision. And we can see how nature's ingenious devices work, and perhaps we can even imitate them. When a dragonfly flutters by, you may not realize, but it's the greatest flier in nature. It can hover, fly backwards, even upside down. And by tracking markers on an insect's wings, we can visualize the air flow that they produce. Nobody knew the secret, but high speed shows that a dragonfly can move all four wings in different directions at the same time. And what we learn can lead us to new kinds of robotic flyers that can expand our vision of important and remote places.


D We're giants, and we're unaware of things that are too small for us to see. The electron microscope fires electrons which creates images which can magnify things by as much as a million times. This is the egg of a butterfly. And there are unseen creatures living all over your body, including mites that spend their entire lives dwelling on your eyelashes, crawling over your skin at night. Can you guess what this is? Shark skin. A caterpillar's mouth. The eye of a fruit fly. An eggshell. A flea. A snail's tongue. We think we know most of the animal kingdom, but there may be millions of tiny species waiting to be discovered.


E A spider also has great secrets, because spiders' silk thread is pound for pound stronger than steel but completely elastic. This journey will take us all the way down to the nano world. The silk is 100 times thinner than human hair. On there is bacteria, and near that bacteria, 10 times smaller, a virus. Inside of that, 10 times smaller, three strands of DNA. And nearing the limit of our most powerful microscopes, single carbon atoms.


F With the tip of a powerful microscope, we can actually move atoms and begin to create amazing nano devices. Some could one day patrol our body for all kinds of diseases and clean out clogged arteries along the way. Tiny chemical machines of the future can one day, perhaps, repair DNA. We are on the threshold of extraordinary advances, born of our drive to unveil the mysteries of life.

השלם והמשך